

This design was awarded from a call to artist to create a water feature based on the Gem and Mineral theme of this college campus. Sunlight has been used to energize optical surfaces to give water the appearance of a molten mineral. A diffraction grating is laminated into glass tiles that are set into a basin of water. Placed into the basin are three large granite boulders with some of their faces ground and polished to a reflective surface. The reflected light in these faces resembles facets of a gemstone. During the day the suns east west course over the basin creates an infinite array of color and light effects that change with the location of the viewer. At night, underwater spotlights are placed around the perimeter giving the tiles the effect that they are glowing from within. The color effects resemble fire, water, or molten mineral. Phelps Dodge donated the boulders, and Caterpillar donated the machinery and location to select the actual rocks to be used in the fountain.


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